(Staff) This questionnaire focuses on the role performance of the administrative team. The items address eight important dimensions: Goal Orientation, Communication with Staff, Professional Development of Staff, Approachability, Innovation and Change, Decision Making, Caring School Environment and Community-School Interaction.
READ MORE(Year 6-12) This inventory asks students about their Learning skills (such as note-taking and summarising), access to resources for homework and study (such as references), goal-setting, and exam skills. Results for each student and class are provided in comparison with State norms. Information is provided about each student both globally and regarding each item. A […]
READ MORE(Year 6-12) A 40-item inventory gathering information about non-academic aspects of schooling such as working cooperatively, participating actively in learning, etc.
READ MORE(Year 2-12) A 40 item self-assessment inventory which gathers information about students’ ability to make friends, secure, self-confidence, self-acceptance, etc. Normed scores identify children at risk. Class and school profiles are provided.
READ MORE(Year 6-12) A version of the Attitude to School instrument, asks about the frequency and severity of bullying at the school, who is bullied and what is done about bullying.
READ MORE(Year 4-12) Whole school focus on detailed information from a short survey. Includes gender breakdowns. Smaller groups can also use the test.
READ MORE(Year 6-12) A questionnaire gathering information about students’ enjoyment of school, interest in the subjects, the value of education, parent attitude to education, etc. Normed comparative data are included.
READ MORE(Year 2-7) A questionnaire gathering information about students’ enjoyment of school, interest in the subjects, the value of education, parent attitude to education, etc. Normed comparative data are included.